Random Facts You Might Not Know About Me

I thought it would be fun to take a slight pause from my typical theology posts and give you a chance to know a little more about me. Here are some random facts that you may not know about who I am and what I’ve done over the years:

  • Everyone thinks I’m good at soccer, but I’m actually terrible at it. However, I played football in my early teens and I love watching it now.
  • My favorite food always has been and always will be mac & cheese.
  • My favorite podcast that I can’t get enough of is Doctrine & Devotion.
  • I grew up in Julian, NC where cows easily outnumber people.
  • I’ve been preaching and speaking since I was 16.
  • I’ve never broken a leg/ankle but I did break my collarbone in 4th grade. Ouch!
  • My favorite book that I’ve read in the last year is Sons in the Son by David Garner. 
  • When my kids were infants, I would carry them around in the car seat carrier under my chin. Now I carry both kids around on my back like little monkeys.
  • People assume I wrote my book using voice recognition software, but I typed all 30,000 words using my two big toes.
  • When I started classes at The College at Southeastern in 2002, my degree program was ranked as the 22nd hardest degree in the country by US News & World Reports…and I double majored. There’s a reason why there were almost 30 people in our freshman class when we started and only 9 when we graduated.
  • Probably 95% of the week I wear a hat. I collect hats and have more than 30!
  • I can unlock my iPhone with my toe print.



Post by DRITCH9

I am a speaker and author from Raleigh, NC. I was born without arms but I do not allow that to define me - I use my disability to empower and give hope to others.

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