Your Story is One Worth Telling
The Christian’s testimony begins with and is rooted in the miracle of our salvation. There is no greater miracle in the universe than the transformation that happens when someone rests in Christ as their Lord. The miracle of God’s salvation of us is, as Ephesians 2:5 says, “even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ.” To put it another way:
We were once dead, but now we are not.
That my friends, is something that is worth sharing with the entire planet. Our testimony of being saved by his grace and not our own goodness (Eph 2:8-9) is the good news of our testimony. But the breadth of telling the world about God’s grace in our life does not stop there.
Underneath the surface of each and every one of our salvation stories, are stories of great grace and comfort that God has applied to our life in the midst of some of our greatest hurts, failures, insecurities and indiscretions. Those are the moments where God gives a greater grace that we may be comforted but also that we can share that comfort with the world.
“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
~ 2 Corinthians 1:3-4
Scripture is littered with stories and testimonies of those who shared about God’s grace in their life and in turn – they changed the world. Here a few biblical examples of testimonies that God used for His glory and the encouragement of His people:
Mary Magdalene’s Deliverance
Mary’s story is one that has gained a lot of attention recently because of The Chosen series and her prominence in it. What we know about her from Scripture was that she was a woman “from whom seven demons had gone out” (Luke 8:2) and that she subsequently followed Jesus after her deliverance. She was once a person that others avoided at all costs but was transformed to be someone who saw the good news of Jesus firsthand and wanted to share it.
Many of you have addictions and bondage that are a significant part of your past, and yet God has delivered you from that. Others kept their distance from you because of the person you once were. Don’t feel like that is something you have to hedge or cover up. You have been set free and you can tell others in bondage about the One who gave you freedom.
The Blind Man’s Healing
There are all sorts of maladies that Jesus heals in the Gospels – paralysis, leprosy, a deformed hand. John 9 records an account of how Jesus healed a man that was blind from birth. This healing created such a stir that the Pharisees brought the man before them to silence him – only to hear of the healing power of God from the mouth of the blind man.
Miraculous healings happen, even in the modern day. It doesn’t have to happen in some sort of healing service at a church or tent revival. God can do miraculous work when modern medicine cannot even offer a shred of hope. Those aren’t moments of luck or chance; they are moments to testify to a God who can move mountains. They are moments to be treasured and talked about for the glory of God.
Paul’s Sustaining Grace
The Apostle Paul was a man that was well acquainted with suffering: beatings, shipwrecks, imprisonment and stoning to name a few. He also dealt with something that he called his “thorn in his flesh.” We honestly have no idea what it was but we know it was some sort of affliction that tormented him and that he had pleaded with God for it to go away. God’s reply to those pleas was, “That His grace was sufficient” for Paul. (2 Cor 12:9)
There was no healing in God’s plan for Paul, but there was a grace that God gave Paul. This grace was a chance to be content while he rested on God’s strength even when his body was frail. That reality rings true for many of us as well. We have sought the Lord in healing us, only to be told “No.” Even when miraculous healing is denied, God gives new mercy and grace that can get us through every day – which is a grace worth celebrating.
David’s Favor
The life story of David is a bit of a roller coaster. From rapid rise to king of Israel to adulterer/murderer – it does not take much digging to see how sinned scarred his life was. Just as apparent as David’s failure is the favor of God that rested on David. He was anointed king as the youngest of his family. He defeated a giant warrior who was considered unbeatable. He saw military victory after victory because “the Lord gave victory to David wherever he went.” (1 Chron 18:6)
Some of our testimonies are free of having to overcome obstacles or being freed from some sort of bondage. You trusted Jesus as Lord at an early age and followed Him from that moment. Some may say that is a “boring testimony” but I’d say it is the opposite. The Father protected you and provided for you in ways that only He could that the world may see He is kind and good.
There are so many more biblical accounts of testimonies that have encouraged generations. Stories of restoration, the little guy seeing victory, light shining in dark moments and patience being rewarded. Your testimony fits in that tapestry of encouragement.
God has given you a unique comfort that has been applied to the circumstances of your life. That is a comfort that God does not want you to sit on – He wants you to share it. God has given you a story to tell and it is my prayer you share that beautiful testimony with the world.